Carving Ax

Carving Ax


I have here a nice carving ax with the head weighing about 1.75 pounds. I hand forge these from a block of 4140 steel. I punch the eye from both sides as I'm working the cheeks to give the eye a slight hour glass shape to help hold the handle tight. It’s hardened and tempered to about 54 Rockwell. I custom made a leather sheath to protect the cutting edge. The handle is 18”over all and handles the ax nice and comfortably. I sand the handle then lightly burn it and give it multiple coats of linseed oil. It is held in with one wooden wedge, a steel wedge, and then soaked in glue to help hold it tight. This thing is razor sharp so please handle with care. If you have any questions you can contact me

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I have here a nice sized carving axe, weighing a little over a pound, forged from a block of 4140 steel. I punched the eye from both sides as I’m working the cheeks to give the eye a slight hour glass shape to help hold the handle nice and tight. Just the edge is hardened and tempered to take a razor edge. I custom make a nice leather sheath for each axe, to protect the cutting edge. The handle is 18“ overall, and handles the axe nice and comfortably. I sand the handle, then lightly burn it, and give it multiple coats of linseed oil. It is held in with a wooden wedge, and a steel wedge, then soaked in glue to help hold it in nice and tight. This thing is razor sharp so please handle with care.